Pennsylvania Energy Corps members Dominick Grillo and Zachary Fairbrother both received scholarships from The Energy Coordinating Agency to attend Building Performance Institute analyst training.
Energy Corps Member Carrie Johnson Selected to MT ACMAC
Montana Energy Corps Member Carrie Johnson is now a member of the Montana AmeriCorps Member Advisory Council (ACMAC).
Arkansas Energy Corps Members Participate in Energy Curriculum Training
On Wednesday, February 23rd, the Arkansas Energy Corps program held an energy curriculum training for Energy Corps members in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Refrigeration Without Electricity
Following up on last weeks posts on refrigeration, Adam Grosser presents a TED talk on reusable, sustainable refrigeration that does not use electricity, propane, kerosene or consumables.
Spring is in the Air
As we move closer to spring and out of the winter season, our energy conservation focus moves from heating to cooling.