Read about Kelli Roemer’s experience putting together solar energy workshops in Montana: Crafted by the complex minds of engineers and laced with terror inspiring words and phrases like photovoltaics or…
Jodi and volunteer Terrah Baker On Martin Luther King Day, I joined up with some volunteers from around the city of Fayetteville to distribute some home energy efficiency kits in…
Read about Samuel Jensen’s parting thoughts as his service term comes to an end: As my time as an Energy Corps member draws to a close, I’ve been spending a…
Read about Rachael Bramblett’s experience at NCAT’s Harvesting Clean Energy Conference: For three days last week I had the pleasure of volunteering and attending the Harvesting Clean Energy Conference. It…
Energy Corps member Dan Certo offers advice about working in the world of non-profits: I’d imagine many of you, like myself, will end up in the non-profit world after your…