Read about Amy’s new experience with teaching environmentally based lessons to children ages 3-5: One program that HACAP offers that may not seem like a natural fit with Energy Corps…
Read about Eileen’s experience during Engineers Week at Butte High School in Montana: To be honest, the idea of helping out with Engineers Week horrified me ever since my coworker…
Last month, I traveled with the director of the Applied Sustainability Center down to Gould, Arkansas. For those of you not familiar with our state, Gould is a small farming…
Check out Dan Certo’s experience collection used vegetable oil during Lent: Lent is a big deal in these parts. Fish and chips Pittsburgh loves deep-fried food. This is obvious to…
Read about Bill Pedersen’s description of his daily activities as an Energy Corps member: In my previous blogs I examined my term of service on a macro scale. I discussed…