By Andie Conlon Human relationships are always somewhat based in common interests, whether it be as fans of a sports team, Harry Potter nerds, or simply people who like watching…
By Cameron Tehranchi One of the first things I noticed moving to Montana is that everyone here seems to know each other. Within my first week, I felt as if…
By Lindsey Bales Installing wiggle wire on the high tunnel. Last month I moved from San Francisco, California to Butte, Montana. In California, sustainability efforts are widespread throughout the state…
By Kathryn Eklund In October I officially started my second service term as the Energy Corps member for the City of Red Lodge. I spent the month getting back into…
By Heather Leach I spent this summer outside doing the most incredible job I’ve ever had. I worked with amazing people, including over 30 middle schoolers on Lolo National Forest.…