Read about Rachael Bramblett’s experience at NCAT’s Harvesting Clean Energy Conference:
For three days last week I had the pleasure of volunteering and attending the Harvesting Clean Energy Conference. It wasn’t just me who had the opportunity to attend this conference; it was all the Energy Corps members in Montana. Armed with a few other volunteers, we were in charge of AV duties for each presentation. AV duties simply meant setting up computers and projectors, preparing presenters presentations, keeping the presenter on time and just keeping an eye on everything. It’s because of these AV duties that I feel we got an incredible opportunity. Not only did we get a front row seat for these presentations, we got meet many of the presenters.

So what is Harvesting Clean Energy exactly? A quote from the website answers that question nicely, it’s a conference that’s “packed with practical solutions from farmers, business owners, experts, and leaders with real-world experience getting successful projects built.” Each year the conference rotates between Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana. This was Montana’s year, and not only that my host site, NCAT, was hosting it!

I personally got to see a variety of presentations and learned so much in those three days. I heard from experts on the future of biofuels and biomass along with case studies, the basics of combined heat and power, off-grid solar case studies, hydro policies, energy efficiency case studies, Montana wind development, and climate change in this area of the country. I even got to see the Governor of Montana, Steve Bullock, speak! I’d say Harvesting Clean Energy was a huge success and I am grateful for the opportunity to experience it firsthand.
Rachael Bramblett studied at Appalachian State University and is well versed on topics of sustainable development, wind power, micro-hydro, photovoltaic, solar thermal, biofuels, and sustainable/green building design. Rachael will provide renewable energy and energy efficiency education through public outreach. Additionally, she will be installing light weatherization kits in several hundred homes across the state of Montana.