Coyote’s Guide

Energy Corps

Read about Krysta’s summer camp planning in Havre, MT:

Whenever I don’t know what to do, and all of my emotions are a whirlpool, I run. Run away from it all. Yes, running away from my problem won’t fix it. And, yes, I do run right back to my problem. In spite of it all, there is still that moment of sanity that materializes while running.
This is one of the benefits of a “sit spot”: finding harmony. Within oneself, within the world.

Wildlife sighting in Havre
Wildlife sighting in Havre

That ability is what I want to share with the youth in Havre. One of my projects is to create a summer camp. The camp will take place during the month of June and involve students from kindergarten up through 8th grade. The camp curriculum will be science based, aiming to connect students to nature (loosely based off of the book, Coyote’s Guide). If the camp can help them find something that centers their lives, then it will all be worth it. I also want these kids to feel empowered. I know that after I had issues with authorities, I began to sink into a numb state where I was just trying to pass under the radar. Then, one teacher dragged me from my trance. He saw something in me that I didn’t see myself. He wouldn’t accept anything less from me than he knew I was capable of. I want that to be keep alive. I want these kids to feel empowered.
I try to not hold expectations, but I am so excited for this project that I can’t help but hope. Let the journey begin.

member_krysta_poslaskiKrysta Posalski attended the University of California Santa Cruz and graduated with a B.A. in Environmental Studies. For the last three years at UCSC she worked in the ITS department at ResNet. Krysta is serving at MSU Northern’s Bio Energy Center in Havre. She teaches K-12 classes about bio fuels and conducts research on sustainable applications of camelina oil.

“Captain Carbon”
Weatherizing met with kindness

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