This next post comes from Arkansas Energy Corps members Shannon Joyce, Bill Dollar and Sammi Jones.
IT Day at the U of A
An AmeriCorp team consisting of Bill Dollar, Shannon Joyce and Sammi Jones helped make Information Day at the University of Arkansas a huge success. IT Day was an opportunity to present the program “Energy and Sustainability: Plugging into the IT World” to over 550 area high school students. Touching on the subject of how sustainability and energy management can lead to career paths in Energy IT, the team gave 12 presentations to groups of 45 students per session.
The presentation began with a brief introduction about the AmeriCorps program and then went into a power point on Energy, Sustainability, and promotion of the Kill-A-Watt campaign from the Arkansas Energy Office and ended with a group discussion. At the end of each session we presented the students with AmeriCorps stickers and bookmarks and encouraged them to visit the Energy Corps website to learn more about the program and opportunities to serve when they graduate from high school.